segunda-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2013

Aniversariante do mês: Toni Morrison

Toni Morrison and The Bluest Eye

Toni Morrison, an American author, was born Chloe Anthony Wofford on February 18, 1931, in Lorain, Ohio, U.S.A. Her parents moved from the south to the state of Ohio to escape racism. She majored in English at Howard University and got a master´s degree at Cornell University. Morrison was the first black woman to receive The Nobel Prize in Literature, in 1993.

Her first novel, The Bluest Eye, was published in 1970, and tells the story about Pecola, a black girl who has a problematic family and believes that whiteness is the synonym of beauty. She prays for God to give her blue eyes, so she´ll be beautiful and accepted like the white girls. In the end, Pecola loses her sanity believing she has blue eyes, which symbolize her own blindness. Morrison also explores other controversial themes on the novel such as sexual abuse, violence and family structures.

Among the author´s successful novels are Song of Solomon, Sula and Beloved, that won the Pulitzer Prize for fiction in 1988.

NOBELPRIZE.ORG. The Nobel Prize in Literature 1993: Toni Morrison. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 14 fev. 2013.

______. Toni Morrison. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 14 fev. 2013.

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